Thursday, July 20, 2006

Day Off!

So yesterday was my day off, but it unofficially started on Tuesday afternoon, Erin, Remix, Emma and I drove down to the city, It was a great drive down, It was a fun wee trip singing along to Led Zeppelin!! We eventually arrived at Erins house around 10.30pm, we got unpacked straight away and the girls did a load of laundry then off to pizza pizza for dinner and over to the Drive In! So this was my first ever experience of the drive in! I loved it, $5 for 3 movies! That's 2.50GBP!!! SCANDAL! It was a late night! Then yesterday morning we got up and I had the best shower in a month and a half! Not the only one, just the best one! We headed straight to the shops and honestly I really did spend TOO much money it was a disgrace, I guess being away from the city for a long period of time just makes you spend! We dropped Emma off at the airport so by now she will be back in good ole norn iron! (say hi for me Emma!) after that we set back on our journey up to camp, this time our choice of music was iggy pop! We stopped in Barrie at walmart just to spend more money, as I had been driving all day I asked Erin to drive the last hour up to camp, "For Sure" was her reply! (She is Canadian) she asked me to keep her right! In a lapse of concentration and in need of a drink I scrambled threw the van to grab an apple juice, and forgot to tell Erin where to turn! oops! Our one hour trip home took us about 3 hours, it was so funny, never had we been so glad to get back from the city! and Remix the cheek of it, slept the whole way! I was so wrecked, came back and watched Impact and then "just have to get to bed", but alas I got side tracked again and eventually made it to bed at 2am this morning! Today when I arrived into work there was a package from you all! Thank you so much! I love the jewellery and the CD and the watch and everything! You guys rock! You really should not have! Everyone was like "my friends never send me packages" so Thank you guys, it really makes me appreciate what I have back there, you really are a great bunch of people, Thanks for all your support when I first left in 03 (when this blog officially first started even though I didn't really bother!!)and since I got back in 04 and for being with me when my head was up my butt in 05 and for blessing me now that Im back here in 06! You are great! Thank you! This morning I spent some time with God before I started back to work and he brought a few things back to my mind, That my behaviour is what he is concerned about, he still loves me no matter what, but his desire is that my behaviour and character displays Christ, (how hard is that) he created me to enjoy him, He created Me to Enjoy him, do you believe it! Thank you God for my time off, for my friends, may I enjoy you more everyday, and may I become more like you in doing so, Amen.

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